For background, I work as a dishwasher at a local small business cafe in San Diego county. I have been employed at this cafe since July 2016. Since I have worked there, I have received glowing praise for my performance and attention to detail from supervisor and coworker alike. I got along wonderfully with my previous supervisor, who has unfortunately needed to taper off his working hours due to health concerns. Issues began when a new supervisor was brought in as a replacement.
Now, I'll admit I'm not perfect. Sometimes, when I'm in the middle of an intense breakfast or lunch rush, and I'm just trying to keep up with a growing pile of dishes and be done and out on time, there have been occasions where a plate or two will have a missed spot that needs redoing. No sweat, it's not like it takes that long to do, and it's not like it happens all the time.
I don't take issue with being constructively criticized, or with having details brought to my attention. My previous supervisor was always forthcoming and helpful with my acclimation to the flow of business at this particular location, and never talked down to me, or treated me like I was the problem.
This new supervisor is a different story, unfortunately. Very early on, he started taking a very hostile and condescending approach whenever I missed something, which ordinarily, wouldn't irk me so much. If something's my fault, it's my fault. But I take issue with not being told crucial information about what is expected of me, and then being dressed down for not doing what I was never aware was expected of me to begin with. This has happened on multiple occasions.
Then comes today. I'm doing my job as usual. It's not rocket science. You take the dirty dishes, you wash and rinse them spotless, put them in sanitizer, take them out, and let them air dry. My supervisor, when he's in, usually works in the back with me, cooking and prepping food as I wash dishes. He works on the opposite side of the back room from me, and there's a very large kitchen rack full of supplies and utensils between the two of us, so we most definitely do not have a very clear view of one another's workstations.
Early on in my shift today I hear him say to me "So errant1, what happened to you scrubbing the dishes, you just spray them off and put them in sanitizer now?" Now, I'm just trying to get through my workload, and I have no idea what the fuck he's talking about, so I ask him for clarification and to repeat himself.
He tells me something to the effect of "We can't have you back here if you're not even going to work properly" and then claims that I just put a dirty, unscrubbed pan directly into the sanitizer. Not knowing what to think of this, as that never fucking happened, I thought that the limited visibility may have something to do with the mixup, and attempted to correct him, saying that I did not do that, and that there was no pan currently over in my area anyhow (there wasn't). That's when he raises his voice and proclaims "I just saw you do it." At this point, other coworkers are starting to look over. I swear to god, if I didn't need the money right now I would have told him to get fucked. I severely felt like telling him "Then why don't you come over here and show me the dirty pan I just put in the sanitizer, because I'm having a real hard fucking time finding it."
Instead, I kept my cool, maintained that I did nothing wrong, and he came over to my station with a shit-eating grin like he had been itching to find a reason to axe me, and his Christmas had come, only to be very quickly deflated when he found out exactly what I'd been telling him; that he was wrong, and there was no pan over there. Instead of apologizing, he instead opted to bark at me about something completely fucking unrelated.
He's made it pretty damn clear that he's got something against me, and today he proved that he's not above straight up lying to misrepresent me. I was thinking of filing a grievance with the company owners, but I wanted advice about possible other options I may not be considering, or if a grievance is the best way to go, how best to do it. I'm able to provide additional details as requested.
Thank you, reddit!
Submitted December 31, 2016 at 11:19PM by errant1
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