Saturday, December 31, 2016

23 [M4F] Dallas, TX / Anywhere - I've chatted with some awesome people from this subreddit so far, ya'll are awesome.


I thought I'd enter the sea of guys (again) in hopes that some awesome people would stumble upon this. I'll put humbleness aside for a second and give you the low-down on myself:

  • I enjoy perusing Reddit (obviously), cooking, working with technology, gaming, and financial planning (that's a valid interest, right?).
  • I work as an engineer near Dallas, TX.
  • My skills include making people facepalm at awful puns as well as "somehow managing to stay single against all odds".
  • I'm single, white, non-religious, average height, slightly-larger-than-average-but-not-ridiculously-so-but-I'm-working-on-it build, and have a nifty British-like accent that people usually enjoy.
  • I have my own place, my own car, I'm pretty much like a plant without the whole chlorophyll deal.

If you'd like to just chat about an interest of yours, that'd be great! If it evolves into mailing each other cookies that we bake, even better. Who the hell knows what happens on this forsaken website.

Also, since everyone is saying it: no dick pics please. I mean it. Pupper pics are welcomed with open arms.

Submitted December 31, 2016 at 12:58PM by inb4throwawayacc

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