Saturday, December 31, 2016

[OC] Across the Expanse: Day 71

Beginning of the story here / Previous part here

Note: The story is undergoing continuous updates on both my blog and on reddit, but if you'd like to read ahead please go here

As always, enjoy! And please don't hesitate to point out any criticisms you may have.

Day 71

Amy: Did you make sure to shut off all the recording devices in here?

Jim: Yeah, Wraith is probably gonna question that later even if you did tell him to stay out of our coms, should be prepared for that.

Amy: Just tell him that there was technical difficulties with the equipment, odds are something in there is probably fried.

Jim: Well you’re not wrong.

Amy: Anyways let’s move on to the important things, shall we? What’s on the menu?

Jim: Linguini.

Amy: Italian huh? Should have saved some of my wine.

Jim: Just so you know, I wouldn’t exactly classify this as important.

Amy: Bullshit, wining and dining is always important.

Jim: Let’s just move onto Wraith shall we?

Amy: Fine fine.

Jim: So according to you Wraith has been eavesdropping on our coms.

Amy: More importantly, according to you he’s been trying to snoop around in some secret intelligence files.

Jim: Yeah, right now I’m willing to think it’s just curiosity on his part for now but on the other hand if his intent is malicious…

Amy: Then we got a super powered ship attempting to dig into government and military secrets.

Jim: To be fair, at least it’s everyone.

Amy: And its not like I’ve got much love for the Coalition but… judging from the little tech we’re seeing on board that ship, there is no telling what Wraith could do with that information if he gets it.

Jim: If he decides to do anything with it. He seems content with just learning.

Amy: Think it has anything to do with his ship’s purpose?

Jim: Would make sense for a colonization ship to learn about the place it's trying to colonize.

Amy: Yeah but the guy really has no place to go except the Faar’Shar homeworld, what’s stopping him?

Jim: I don’t know, apparently even he can’t get in contact with them, that doesn’t explain why he doesn’t just go to them though.

Amy: Yeah, for an AI he seems a bit restricted.

Jim: Kinda smart really, don’t want to have purely self driven AI out there without you knowing about it.

Amy: Yeah, still, I didn’t know that there were Faar’Shar operating in the Fractus systems.

Jim: According to Wraith its small cases, don’t really have enough info to tell if it's one gone rogue or they’re looking for something.

Amy: Yeah, but concerning Wraith… I think it’s best to err on the side of caution here and try and keep any sensitive information just between us.

Jim: Makes sense, but what sensitive information do we really have? Not much going on in a mining station.

Amy: You’re saying this, but we found an alien spaceship hidden on this rock.

Jim: This is true.

Amy: I’ve been trying to look around the Expanse a little more and I can’t find anything else out of the ordinary there, but you never know, there is a lot of mountains there and a bunch of ravines, maybe there’s some dreadnought out there we don’t know about.

Jim: Sound’s pleasant.

Amy: What? You mean a giant war machine hidden on a mining planet isn’t something you want?

Jim: No, no really.

Amy: Anyways, lets try and be a little more secure alright?

Jim: Yeah I gotcha, now then, dinner?

Amy: Oh please, I’m positively famished.

Jim: Posh accents now?

Amy: I say Jim, my dear boy, do bubble the sauce until it’s nice and thick yes?

Jim: Please, like you know much about cooking.

Amy: Poppycock, I leave such tasks to plebeians like yourself.

Jim: Laughs Well just give me a second Amy.

Amy: Chop chop Jim, you can’t leave a lady in waiting you know.

Submitted December 31, 2016 at 02:01PM by grierks

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