My bf and I have been together for 5 months. We live together already. How we got together was we went on a date, came to my place, and he spent the night and never left.
I've noticed a change in his behaviour and after careful observation I'm not sure if the "honeymoon" phase is gone and this is the REAL him or if I'm a rebound.
Before me he had a FWB [21/F] who we'll call Nadine. They slept together on and off for years, he apparently fell in love with her while they were hooking up, everytime she had a bf hed just go sleep around with other girls but as soon as she was single hed run right back to her.
I know this cuz he spent the first... 2 weeks-a month of our relationship talking about her nonstop. She got engaged shortly before we started dating and he was super upset about that cuz he still had feelings for her/was upset cuz he could never "have" her again.
I exploded at him once when he was talking about her, he reassured he hes over her and loves me and just has alot to say about her, and hasn't brought her up since.
We also spent the first like 3 months having nothing but sex.
That's why I think I'm the rebound.
My bf has also stopped making ANY effort. Before he wasn't officially moved in but two weeks ago he moved in the last of his stuff and hes been totally different ever since.
Before he was a dream come true. Always doing things with me, helping me study, he helped out around the apartment, we had a ritual where we cuddled for a bit before bed and talked about our day before going to sleep, and living with him was amazing and I thought I had found "the one" I bragged him up to my family and friends and everything.
Now, he's been super rude to me. When it comes to him he won't budge or make a compromise but when it comes to me I pretty much HAVE to compromise and change something or whatever.
All he does is okay PS4 or watch Netflix. I tried to get him to help me study for exams, like he always did, and he wouldn't pause the game for 5 seconds.
He keeps rolling his eyes or scoffing at me whenever I speak to him about anything. I find alot of the times its his way or the highway which is driving me crazy. He doesn't even pay attention when I talk to him anymore.
We don't do anything anymore. I mean, I'm not clingy or overbearing and I enjoy my alone time but he won't cuddle with me or help out with cleaning or cooking or watch Netflix with me or anything like that.
His personal hygiene has gone downhill. He doesn't brush his teeth EVER and he often forgets to wear deodorant. He was always fresh, clean and smelling nice before me when he was just a ladies man who was "sleeping around" but now that he's with me he doesn't feel the need to be hygienic. (Apparently random hookups off Craigslist deserve him at his best but I don't deserve anything but some mouthwash twice a week and bad BO??)
Hes rude to cashiers, bus drivers, shoppers, he acts very entitled and selfish and acts like everyone is beneath him. I'm constantly apologizing to others for his behavior/actions. The other day he actually argued with me over whether or not it like 1% milk. I told him it HATE 1% milk and it prefer whole milk. He told me no, he knows what I said and it told him I hated whole milk and preferred 1%.
Idk what's going on. My perfect boyfriend literally became a completely different person seemingly overnight... I read online the "Signs youre a rebound" and I started crying cause it's EXACTLY like the start of our relationship with him being hung up on Nadine. My friend thinks the honeymoon phase is over and hes showing his true colours and I feel as though I'm just a rebound and hes grown tired of me.
Any advice for this anxiety-ridden girlfriend in need?:(
tl;dr: My bf fell in love with his ex fwb and was upset when she got engaged and spent a lot of time talking about her. 5 months later I come to realize I might he a rebound.
He went from being a sweetheart to a selfish, lazy and ignorant narcissist seemingly overnight. I'm lost and I dont know what to do...
Ps: I'm using my phone so I apologize for any formatting, grammar or spelling errors
Submitted January 31, 2017 at 04:05PM by AphroditeIXI
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