I've quit more times than I can count. There are two things that always send me back to kratom: the fatigue (I work, have two young daughters and a wife -- the fatigue makes it extremely difficult to get through the day) and especially the depression. I have always suffered from slight depression -- I was diagnosed as a teen, but have also been diagnosed bipolar (once as a teen, and once just two years ago). The depression makes it difficult to function and, as mentioned, I'm married and a father, so I don't have the option of just lazing around, relaxing, taking hot baths, watching movies, smoking pot all day, etc. I have to be on my A game, getting shit done, cooking, going to work, dropping/picking kids up from school, conversing with my wife, playing with my kids, grocery shopping, laundry, etc, etc, etc.
So how the hell do I do this? What are some methods for combatting the depression? I take SAM-E, l-tyrosine rhodiola, BSO, vitamins, etc -- a plethora of supplements, but it only helps minimally. I've tried 5-htp in the past but it made me feel spacey, tired and weird. Perhaps I should try it again.
What can I do? Any other supplements I should try? Guys, I DESPERATELY Want to quit, but the depression becomes unbearable. I also get paranoid, anxiety and emotionally sensitive. Everything is a slight, and I'm paranoid of everyone. I do try to jog every day, but honestly, it's hard to fit it in every day. Some days it is simply impossible as there's just no time. I try my best though.
Really need some help because I want to do this. I would feel alot better having some tactics/plans to combat the depression though.
EDIT: I'm considering making a list of all of the reasons I want to quit this shit to refer to during the quit process. #1: sick and tired of being a drug addict. I've been one off and on since I was 15 and it's high time (no pun intended) I give a true shot at sobriety.
Submitted January 31, 2017 at 03:59PM by RedDevilNight http://ift.tt/2jrYEkc
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