Winners will be judged on...
funnyness(puns get extra points)
and quality.(this being the least important, but don't draw like a blind elephant)
Examples of acceptable MSPAINT images
A porcupine on his way to a high school dance
A sea lion cooking a steak on the exhaust of a cruise ship
More rules
Images must be solely completed in MSPAINT. You can use some stock/internet images/photos in your image but they must be minimal and make up no more than 20% of your image. (IE... using the actual photo of mel gibson's head, on top of of your mspaint made body example
Again at least 80% of image must be done by hand, by you in mspaint, or you will not qualify.
Contests will end on Mondays, and winners announced sometime that week. Of course submissions after the end of contest are more than welcome. Contests will be posted weekly on wednesdays.
And for those who can't wait a whole week for the next contest check out /r/SillyDrawingsContest for almost daily contests!. These contest can be drawn by any means necessary... crayon, marker, computer, etc. Brought to you by the same mods from MSpaintbattles
Submitted January 31, 2017 at 01:24PM by __PM_ME_ANYTHING
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