Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Help with Necron HQ choice (1000 points)

Hello, I'm new to 40k and picked up an old necron battleforce from oxfam and an ebay monolith (the immortals and deathmarks were a gift that I want to include). I'm not running decurion because I don't like the visuals of tomb blades and my kit came with destroyers. With that in mind I have some extra freedom with my army lists and I'm a tad overwhelmed.

Can you guys please help me pick a hq for my army list? Here's what I have so far. (I made a rubbish host website when battlescribe output my lists in html. have included them for readability)

Option one - Catacomb command barge. 230 points

Have a CCB with a s5 flamer and s8 warscythe, zip around stabbing tanks and cooking fodder

Option two - Cryptek + lychguard 240 points

5 warscythes + veil of darkness + Chronometron. Use Veil to relocate warscythe murder party, chronometron for some defense vs shooting attacks.

Option three - Overlord and flayed ones 240 points

Deep strike overlord and flayed ones. stab things.

Option four - Destroyer lord and a few more warriors 190 points

Deep strike lord with deathmarks to give preferred enemy on their alpha strike. Fly off and murder tanks.

I'm hoping I can use the monolith portal to relocate infantry if they get out of position and to act as a beachhead. My ideal plan is to drop the pyramid in the enemy battle line and tank shots while pouring warriors and immortals out. Basically I want to play the dow Dark crusade cinematic.

Which of these options do you think:

  1. Supports or contributes to that style?

  2. Is most fun to play against?

  3. Provides some room for future expansion?

I welcome any other thoughts or suggestions, I haven't actually managed to play a game yet as I'm in the process of painting 24 armless warriors. However, I'm really excited to go down to my local gw when its all done. Bonus first 4 warrior pictures

Submitted January 31, 2017 at 06:46PM by feltax http://ift.tt/2jSL99c

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