Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How to acknowledge there's a problem

So, being a recovering addict, I have to practice constant vigilance towards new addictions. I've been clean for 19 months and counting.

I've noticed lately that I've been more despondent than usual, and had a distinct lack of motivation towards anything irl. I've been barely tending my kids, not cooking meals, not cleaning, half assing it at work, and so on.

The only thing I've wanted to do is sit in front of a screen and veg. I don't watch TV, so that mainly means I've spent my days on fb, twitter, and my blog. It's gotten to the point where I'm beyond oversaturated with content, and yet I still can't stop getting on. I have zero reason to be doing this, and when I do get off and do something productive I immediately feel better, but I can't stop.

I'm sure there's such a thing as internet addiction, but I don't know if that's what my problem is. Am I just super depressed and need to talk to my doctor, or do I have a serious addiction problem? That's what I've been asking myself the past few days.

It also totally doesn't help that I get a lot of validation from the internet, my husband isn't a super supportive guy, and I feed off of praise. So when I'm ignored online, I get really sad, and when people are interacting with me, I land on cloud 9. Like, it's not even that I need adoration, I just need interaction.

Anyone ever dealt with anything like this before? If so, how did you overcome it? Anyone else have any words of advice?

Submitted January 31, 2017 at 07:10PM by willwediejustalittle http://ift.tt/2kSaiB1

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