Thursday, March 9, 2017


Hey there! I'm searching for other fellow humans (I'm cool with non-humans too, just fyi) that are willing to share their lives with me. I'm all up for exploring different cultures and learning about the small (and big) things in people's lives - I have a deep passion for talking about the seemingly uninteresting things people do everyday.

I'm majoring in English in Germany but I'm originally from Bulgaria - it's a rather small country, so don't worry if it doesn't ring a bell. I enjoy the occasional glass of wine over a philosophical conversation about the meaning of life, although recently the wine has been omitted and the conversation hasn't been as good - so if you're up for random theories and existential questions, I'm here! I enjoy almost any type of music, and am very excited about people sharing their passion for a certain artist, so I'll be more than glad to have my mind blown by your playlist! I enjoy reading amateur poetry, having small adventures, talking about food, watching cooking shows and going down random rabbit holes on YouTube. I have a great passion for bread, so please be aware that that might eventually come up in a letter, and I'm all up for people making bad puns, so if that's your thing - I'm your human.

I would prefer snail mail, but I'm open for emails too (I'm very good with ignoring my mails though, so you might get the actual "snail" mail experience after all, just a fair warning).

Thanks for reading this!

Submitted March 09, 2017 at 10:00AM by KallaBee

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