Thursday, March 9, 2017

What I do when I'm bored, hope this will help other like it helped me.

It's quite difficult to not get bored if you have suddenly so much time isn't it? Luckily there are so much things to do to develop yourself. I'll make small achievements by doing the following things which gives so much satisfaction!

- Drawing:

I bought a little notebook and some pencils for less then €/£/$ 5,- and started drawing characters with tutorials. I didn't draw since I was a kid and didn't know where to start. The fact that I'm not very good is positive in this situation; It takes me ages to finish one and time flies. Every time I finish one, which is good enough in my opinion, I'm so proud of myself! These two are my favorite so far.

- Reading:

I love to learn. I think the main reason why I loved weed so much was because it opened a world for me which was so interesting. The fun thing is, that world is still there. Now everybody has it's own interests. Sometimes it hard to find out what they are. The School of Life has loads of short clips which triggers my interests to get to know more about certain subjects. I just finished The Republic from Plato and 1984 from George Orwell. I honestly can't wait to start my next one; Das Kapitalist from Karl Marx. I bought them all in charity shops for less then $/€/£ 5,- each. (And thus donated 15 to a charity!)

- Fixing:

There is always something to fix in my dorms. A loose screw in a drawer, my microwave which makes a funny sound, a wall which needs some paint, a hole in the curtains... too much examples. Wright down a list with things you want to do. Make YouTube your best friend and learn countless new skills. EVERYTHING you need to know is explained by some random person on YouTube.

- Cooking:

Easy one for me since it's a big passion since I was a kid, but I think every human being enjoys good food so why not make it yourself. Again, at charity shops you can buy everything you need to turn into a pretty good cook. All the stuff you need for almost nothing including books for ideas. (Not your knives. Spend good money on knives pls!)

- Helping:

My favourite for last. This opened my eyes. Instead of feeling you waste your time, you can feel like you are changing somebodies life. How? By helping people who can use it. There are countless organisations or platforms where you can find people or animals who need help. Depending on what you like to do ofcourse. Just Google. I wasn't sure what brought me the most satisfaction so I just tried everything out. I discovered that elderly people are cooler then I thought. I combine my love for cooking with this. Instead of the shitty meals a lot of old people get, I make them something nice. Mostly they have loads of experience but just not the safety to do it themselves. I learn so much from them and they get so much energy from my youthful presence. Win-Win!

(- Exercise: I'm still a lazy fuck. That didn't really change. So can't advise much about this. I'm Dutch, so I cycle everyday, but pure for convenience.)

Hope this will help at least one person a bit!

Submitted March 09, 2017 at 04:38AM by DutchBrownie

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